January 20, 2010
Networking. Many have tried it. Most have heard of it. Interesting concept, networking is. Used properly, it can unite thousands. Used maliciously, it can fool millions.
To those of you who attended the 1st ever MUSIKERO100 assembly, thank you! What a jam-packed, inspired, dynamic night, do you agree? I hope so. I loved meeting you all, and it was so non-showbiz. So person-to-person. No pressure to be magnanimous or effervescent. Everyone was just there, listening, sharing the vibe, and considering the MUSIKERO100 concept.
Now, after that night, the questions about the finer details should be addressed. If you choose to stop reading now, just come to the same venue again, on January 30, for the 2nd assembly. Those who aren’t in the mailing list yet, just email me at jimmybondoc08@yahoo.com, and include your 1) name, 2) cell #, 3) email add. That’s all we can do for now.
We hear it all the time, this story about a guy, who joins a networking company, and now drives a Jaguar to his 5-star meetings. It’s an urban legend. Nobody I know has ever seen this guy, but I’m not implying that he doesn’t exist, ok? I’m just saying a fact, that I, myself, and my friends, have never seen a guy like this. We just hear about him.
It’s all good though. I would never put down another man’s ideas, business or endeavours. All I do is assess the things I see and hear about around me. If I like it, I learn more about it. If I don’t, I just assume I’m just not within the “target market” of this particular endeavour. For example, I would never put down a noontime show just because I don’t like it. If I don’t like it, it’s probably just because its content is aimed towards a different market. Not an inferior, nor superior market. Just- NOT me. It’s ALL good. Judge not, lest ye be judged. Willie makes millions happy, and I hear he’s changed for the better.
HOWEVER, I would like to comment about the people who JOIN these networking activities. AND not ALL people. Just the people that I know. Those that I personally know.
These friends of mine share the same story. Usually, they invest an amount like P9,999. Or P7,999. Or whatever. Something like that. Inspired by the speech of this particular network’s leader, they go out into the world, determined to find people to buy a “package” from them. They are convinced that, soon, with a little effort, and just on the side (as a sideline), they will make back their investment, and eventually double, triple, quadruple (!) their initial investment. It’s a golden dream.
Usually though, what I see is this: my friend soon loses interest in the product. He starts talking less about this “package” and its miraculous benefits, and he goes on with life as he previously knew it. No regrets, no anger towards the network… nothing. He’s just.. ok.
What’s my point?
Well, I hope I’m not upsetting anyone. I know, some people probably really do well with these schemes. I’m just saying that, in my case, as I’ve seen from people I personally know, I’ve never seen anyone get rich. Some make a little profit of a few thousand pesos (after many months of selling). And some lose a little, and never make back the initial investment they made.
Musikero 100. Is it a networking scheme? Yes.
Is it for profit? No.
That’s the difference.
Networking, for me, is simply a recognition of an old and basic fact, that no man stands alone. People need people. To make something happen, you need the power of a united force, not the futile, diluted efforts of individuals.
Musikero 100 just wants to make some albums happen. To afford the production of good, unique thoughts and melodies, that will otherwise die if they are not powered by the faith of a supporting group. Record labels will not produce songs that will cater to the minority, that’s just not good fiscal sense. And I will never blame them. But I WILL blame myself, if I do not fight for the unique artist, the guy who hears the unpopular truths in his mind.
So my question is this, and it goes out most especially to those who have invested money in networking schemes and have lost: IF you were willing to spend 9,999 or 7,777 pesos on a new kind of soap, or a new kind of rock, or a new kind of shoe, or a gold coin, or anything else of the same nature – would you be willing to invest a FRACTION of that, in the thoughts and melodies of a few creative minds? And the investment isn’t even your money. It’s just your willingness that is required, to work a little, to sell a few albums to your friends, whom you know would love to hear these songs anyway. And yes, I call it an investment, because there is a return of investment. In fact, the return is so great, that it exceeds the value of money.
What return, you ask?
I apologize for being metaphorical and pseudo-poetic. But I do believe in this so passionately that my mind can’t help but speak almost in prose about it. The return of investment, the profit, is this: that OPM lives on. The Filipino soul lives to sing another day, and to write about our personal sunsets, and the way the moon shines on our islands, in a way that it doesn’t anywhere else.
To those who have earned greatly from other networking schemes, I admire you truly. I’m sure it took a lot of hard work and faith. To those who are considering Musikero 100, I thank you, too. If we do this right, we will finally conquer this global problem, where songs and souls are stolen, and songwriters die their natural death, taking with them the voices that only they, as musikeros, can hear.